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How Does Carbodiimide Protect TPU from Hydrolysis?
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How Does Carbodiimide Protect TPU from Hydrolysis?

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In the world of materials science, thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) is a versatile and widely used polymer known for its exceptional elasticity, durability, and resistance to abrasion. However, TPU has a significant weakness - it is highly susceptible to hydrolysis, a chemical reaction that occurs when the material comes into contact with water or moisture. This vulnerability poses a challenge for industries that rely on TPU for various applications, such as automotive, footwear, and electronics. To address this issue, scientists have turned to carbodiimide, a compound that plays a vital role in protecting TPU from hydrolysis. In this article, we will explore the mechanism by which carbodiimide safeguards TPU and delve into the applications and industries that benefit from the use of carbodiimide-treated TPU. Understanding the protection provided by carbodiimide is crucial for enhancing the longevity and performance of TPU in diverse environments.

What is TPU and why is it susceptible to hydrolysis?

TPU, also known as thermoplastic polyurethane, is a versatile material widely used in various industries due to its exceptional properties. However, TPU is susceptible to hydrolysis, which can significantly impact its performance and durability.

Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction that occurs when TPU comes into contact with water or moisture. This reaction breaks down the molecular structure of the material, leading to a deterioration in its mechanical properties. The main cause of hydrolysis in TPU is the presence of ester groups in its chemical structure, which are prone to reacting with water molecules.

One method to prevent hydrolysis in TPU is the use of a chemical called carbodiimide. Carbodiimide acts as a crosslinking agent, forming strong bonds between the ester groups in TPU. This crosslinking process reduces the material's susceptibility to hydrolysis by minimizing the availability of ester groups for water molecules to react with.

Carbodiimide works by converting the ester groups into urethane linkages, which are more resistant to hydrolysis. The use of carbodiimide not only improves the hydrolysis resistance of TPU but also enhances its overall mechanical properties, such as tensile strength and abrasion resistance.

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The role of carbodiimide in protecting TPU from hydrolysis

Carbodiimide plays a crucial role in protecting thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) from hydrolysis. Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction that occurs when water molecules break down the polymer chains of TPU, leading to its degradation and loss of mechanical properties. By incorporating carbodiimide into the TPU formulation, the material becomes more resistant to hydrolysis, ensuring its durability and longevity.

One of the main reasons why carbodiimide is effective in protecting TPU from hydrolysis is its ability to react with water molecules. Carbodiimide acts as a water scavenger, absorbing the water present in the environment or generated during the hydrolysis process. This reaction between carbodiimide and water prevents water molecules from attacking the polymer chains and causing their breakage.

Furthermore, carbodiimide forms a protective layer around the TPU, acting as a barrier against water penetration. This layer prevents direct contact between water molecules and the polymer chains, minimizing the chances of hydrolysis occurring. This protective barrier is especially important in applications where TPU is exposed to moisture or humid conditions, such as outdoor equipment, automotive components, or medical devices.

In addition to its protective role, carbodiimide also enhances the mechanical properties of TPU. It improves the material's tensile strength, elongation at break, and tear resistance, making it more suitable for demanding applications. The presence of carbodiimide in TPU formulations also allows for better adhesion to other materials, enabling the development of composites or multi-component systems.

It is important to note that the concentration of carbodiimide used in TPU formulations should be carefully controlled. Too low of a concentration may not provide sufficient protection against hydrolysis, while too high of a concentration may adversely affect the material's processing properties. Finding the optimal balance is crucial to ensure the desired performance of TPU in various applications.

The mechanism of carbodiimide protection

Carbodiimide protection is a mechanism widely used in various chemical reactions to protect functional groups and prevent unwanted side reactions. As an important tool in organic synthesis, carbodiimide acts as a coupling agent to facilitate the formation of peptide bonds and other amide linkages.

The mechanism of carbodiimide protection involves the conversion of carboxylic acids into highly reactive derivatives known as activated esters. This process is achieved by reacting the carboxylic acid with a carbodiimide, typically dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC), in the presence of a catalyst such as 4-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP). The carbodiimide reacts with the carboxylic acid, forming an O-acylisourea intermediate.

The O-acylisourea intermediate is highly reactive and can readily react with various nucleophiles. This reactivity allows for the selective and efficient coupling of the carboxylic acid with a desired amine or alcohol. The resulting amide or ester linkage is stable and resistant to hydrolysis, providing protection to the functional groups during subsequent reactions.

Carbodiimide protection has found applications in a wide range of fields, including peptide synthesis, drug discovery, and polymer chemistry. In peptide synthesis, carbodiimide-mediated coupling reactions are essential for the assembly of amino acids into long polypeptide chains. By selectively activating the carboxylic acid of one amino acid, carbodiimide protection ensures the desired peptide bond formation without unwanted cross-reactions.

In drug discovery, carbodiimide protection plays a crucial role in the synthesis of small molecule drugs. It enables the precise attachment of various functional groups to the drug scaffold, leading to the development of potent and selective compounds. Additionally, carbodiimide protection is also used in the synthesis of polymers, where it allows for the controlled incorporation of different monomers and functional groups.

Applications and industries benefiting from carbodiimide-treated TPU

Carbodiimide-treated TPU, also known as thermoplastic polyurethane, has become an indispensable material in various applications and industries. Its unique properties and benefits make it a preferred choice for manufacturers and consumers alike.

One of the industries that greatly benefits from carbodiimide-treated TPU is the automotive industry. With its exceptional durability and resistance to abrasion, TPU is widely used in the production of automotive parts such as seals, gaskets, and hoses. These components require materials that can withstand harsh conditions, and carbodiimide-treated TPU fits the bill perfectly. Its high tensile strength and resistance to chemicals make it ideal for use in engine compartments, where exposure to heat and various fluids is common.

In the field of sports and recreation, carbodiimide-treated TPU finds its application in the production of athletic footwear. The material's flexibility, shock absorption, and excellent grip properties make it an ideal choice for the outsoles of sports shoes. Whether it's running, basketball, or soccer, TPU outsoles provide athletes with the necessary support and stability to perform at their best. Additionally, TPU's resistance to abrasion ensures that the shoes can withstand the wear and tear associated with rigorous physical activity.

Another industry that benefits from carbodiimide-treated TPU is the medical sector. TPU's biocompatibility and resistance to chemicals make it suitable for medical devices such as catheters, tubing, and surgical instruments. These applications require materials that are not only safe for use in the human body but also possess the necessary mechanical properties to ensure their effectiveness. Carbodiimide treatment enhances the material's strength and stability, making it an excellent choice for medical applications.

Furthermore, the electronics industry also relies on carbodiimide-treated TPU for various purposes. TPU's electrical insulation properties, combined with its resistance to heat and chemicals, make it an ideal material for cable insulation and connectors. Its flexibility allows for easy installation and maintenance, while its durability ensures long-lasting performance in demanding environments.


The article discusses the use of carbodiimide as a crosslinking agent to improve the resistance of TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) to hydrolysis. It explains that carbodiimide helps scavenge water molecules and forms a protective barrier, enhancing the material's resistance to degradation. Additionally, carbodiimide enhances the mechanical properties of TPU, making it a versatile and durable material for various applications. The mechanism of carbodiimide protection is described as a powerful tool for manipulating and protecting functional groups during chemical reactions, driving advancements in drug development, material science, and other industries. Carbodiimide-treated TPU has revolutionized industries such as automotive, sports, medical, and electronics, due to its exceptional durability, resistance to abrasion, and biocompatibility. This treatment is expected to play a crucial role in shaping the future of various industries.

Suzhou Ke Sheng Tong New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2016, headquartered in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, as a high-tech growth enterprise.




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